Chharka Bhot Water Supply Project provides clean drinking water to the community of Chharka through a water pipeline drawn from 2 kilometers distance and distributed through a huge reservoir tank, and 9 public tap stands built across the village including Chahrka Bhot Basic School. This project was implemented by Dolpo Tomorrow in cooperation with Chay Ya Nepal with funding from Dany Gerhig’s family and his friends, Globbetrotor, Chay Ya Switzerland, and Chharka Tangshong Rural Municipality. The project was started in 2020 and completed fully by 2022. To sustain the water supply system, a maintenance committee among the villagers was formed who manage and maintain the system.
The sponsor of this project, Dany Gerhig visited Chahrka during his mountain bike trip in 2017. Convinced by the struggles being made by Dolpo Tomorrow building up the community school in Chharka, Dany started supporting the school right after his return to Switzerland. Tsering Samdup, founder and chairman of Dolpo Tomorrow met Dany in person in Zurich during his trip to Europe where Dany, Chay Ya Switzerland, and Dolpo Tomorrow made the initial decisions concerning the water project for Chharka. The project was put into implementation in 2020 but due to the inaccessible nature of Dolpo for the transportation of raw materials, yearly limited working duration caused by the extreme weather, and the covid pandemic which made everything doubly difficult, the project took a whole three years to complete.
In the past, the community of Charka uses water from the river. In summer the river gets completely muddy and in winter it goes under a thick layer of ice. As the village lies on a perch of a riverbank, fetching water consumes around half an hour for most of families. For the school, the distance to the river is even further, and fetching a gallon of water takes almost an hour for the cook. Due to the lack of running water facilities, none of the households have built toilets and open defecation practice was the worst part of all. Thanks to the water supply system, the village now has clean running water which makes their daily life easier, improves their hygiene practices, and opens doors for further health-related important projects for the future like building toilets, washhouses, and greenhouses vegetable gardens.
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